One Bread, One Body
"The Church that Smiles."
As a member of the Ministry of Music, yours is a share in the work of the Lord's Spirit. It is the Spirit who draws us together into one, who makes harmony out of discord, who sings in our hearts the lyric of all that is holy. It is your presence and voice that sounds the first note of which brings the assembly to its feet, ready to praise God. Yours is a ministry that reaches the deepest recesses of the human heart, your work is soul stirring. You help us respond to God's Word, to acclaim the Gospel, to sing of our salvation in Christ.
Come to your work from your personal prayer. Let your rehearsals allow some moments for prayer in common. Let your practice be marked by unanimity in spirit and ideals.
Everyone is invited to join one of our 2 Choirs:
4:30pm- Anticipation Mass
The choir is more traditional ensemble. The hymns are more familiar and known by heart by many Catholics.
9:00am - Eagles Wings
The choir has been at St. Mary's of many years. The hymns are a mix of traditional and very contemporary setting. They gather in the Church foyer for prayer before the mass and practice weekly on Wednesday evenings. Check the calendar for information.
Practice every Wednesday around 6:15pm in the Church.